
Breeding Season eBook

$ 6.90

Breeding Season eBook

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Whether we are beginners or experienced fanciers, we have repeated problems during the breeding season. Blank or drowned eggs, lame hens, sterile males … Shattered eggs, egg retention, weak, withered chicks, serious rearing losses, mysterious deaths …

These are familiar things, unfortunately. Just a few examples of the negative, depressing events that we constantly face during the breeding season. (see more below)

$ 6.90


ebook in PDF format (downloadable)

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Whether we are beginners or experienced fanciers, we have repeated problems during the breeding season. Blank or drowned eggs, lame hens, sterile males … Shattered eggs, egg retention, weak, withered chicks, serious rearing losses, mysterious deaths …

Poor performance of the offspring generation, hereditary defects, degradation of the genome… Constantly recurring diseases that decimate the chicks, but sometimes even the parents …

These are familiar things, unfortunately. Just a few examples of the negative, depressing events that we constantly face during the breeding season.

Should we face all of this? … Is it possible to improve the breeding rates and the performance of the offsprings? How can we achieve this?

We know that reproduction and the stress it causes is a natural part of pigeon life, as is the burden of raising youngsters. If health is compromised and / or nutrition is poor and / or environment is not ideal, parents raise little or weak chicks or do not reproduce at all. These parents – although they are not to blame – will then be culled.

They are not to blame. In most cases, we are. The point is not that we make mistakes; everybody does. People as well as pigeons. There is no need to be ashamed of your mistakes. However, we must all be ashamed if we fail to learn from them. It is a problem to not recognise a mistake. But it is a greater problem still to see a mistake and do nothing about it. Out of laziness, carelessness, ignorance… to continue repeating the same mistakes again. And again.

What makes the difference between winners and losers is that winners recognise their mistakes and learn from them. If they can learn from the mistakes of others, they can succeed even more quickly. If you fail to recognise your mistakes and always blame others, what will you be: winner os loser?

This book deals with the professional selection, effective preparation, pairing, breeding, as well as the prevention and treatment of breeding problems. It will help you to achieve a well-desirable healthy breeding stock.


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