Dr. Zsolt Talaber's

AND books

for fanciers

Welcome on my website!

I am dr. Zsolt Talaber. I heal pigeons, observe them, write about them. This is my job – and my hobby, as well. As a fancier veterinarian, I deal with pigeons and the problems we encounter in pigeon breeding.

I have the same goal with this website as with my specialist books: to provide theoretical but even more practical help to fanciers. My specialist books are very popular worldwide because they are written in plain language, their content is clear, very practical and easy to use.

On this website we would like to provide very practical, literally tangible help to all fanciers (and veterinarians, perhaps) who visit it. That’s why we’re constantly developing new applications for mobile, tablet and laptop. I hope it will be a useful help to any fancier.

Pigeon Health

In this section, we find basic knowledge and new research informations, all of which are important for pigeon health and performance. Pigeon breeding is beautiful and above all practical – but a little bit of theoretical background can be very useful. We need to know the basic principles because the pathogens are increasing – and unfortunately the number of veterinarians who know pigeons is decreasing. Because of this, we can often count on ourselves only. We must know the pathogens, the symptoms, the properly medications, methods, and, first of all, the successful prevention.

We must be aware of why we do what we do, we must know the principles and how they relate to practice, for this is how we can make progress, and think in terms of our flock.


Let's diagnose!

This is an interactive Diagnosis program on the Pigeon Doctors website.

We developed this program for pigeon fanciers, the first in the world. It helps determine what the problem is with the pigeons, or the entire flock.

The program is easy to use and does not require any expertise.

Clicking on the link below, you can open the Diagnosis application. This application is a separate unit within the website.